Action Research
& Innovation
Generating the knowledge, practices, and tools needed to lead
awareness-based systems change.
We support innovation in the emerging field of awareness-based systems change by fostering a community of collaborative research practitioners, establishing an open-access journal, and making visible and accessible cutting-edge knowledge, tools, and methods for leading transformative societal change.
Our team has authored numerous books on the art and practice
of transformation. Get inspired!

Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change
An open-access platform for making visible groundbreaking scholarship
for societal transformation.
All Issues
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Applying the arts and creative practices to create new possibilities
Social Arts
Applying the arts and creative practices to create new possibilities
and transform individuals, groups, and systems.
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Our action research has led to the development of tools and practices
Tools and Methods
Our action research has led to the development of tools and practices
for awareness-based systems change.