u.lab 1x Handout Translations

Sep 24, 2019

Overview of handout translations for our 2019 u.lab 1x course.

As the course u.lab 1x: leading from the emerging future is taken by many people worldwide, whose native language is often not English, we have had many community members generously providing translations to make the material more accessible to their fellow learners. The translations are all created under the existing Presencing Institute Creative Commons License.

Video translations are uploaded to the video players in the course material on edX as soon as they are available.

Handout translations for this u.lab 1x cycle are made available through the overview below. PDFs are linked.



Please note: these translations were provided by the community for the community. They are meant as a study aid for learners whose first language is not English. They are not meant as standalone content, as we do not have the resources to conduct extensive quality assessment. We trust in the skills and helpful intention of our community translators. For feedback or contributions to translations, please see below.


Want to contribute to u.lab 1x translations?

Please send a message to Sarina at bouwhuis@presencing.com.